We provide highly specialized legal advice to private clients within the purchase and sale of real estate, including condominiums, year-round houses, holiday homes, project purchases, building plots and construction contracts.
Our goal is to create trust and security for the client. We do this by providing highly specialized advice as well as being personal, professional and present in our advice and always being available when the client needs us.
Attorney Jakob Kragh Karlsen is appointed by the Ministry of Justice and is a member of the Danish Bar and Law Society.
– 2010: Attorney – ValbyAdvokaterne ApS
– 2007-2009: Lawyer – Eversheds Advokataktieselskab
– 2007: Acting High Court Judge – Eastern High Court
– 2005-2007: Lawyer – Plesner
– 2002-2005: Lawyer – Elmer & Partners
– 2000-2002: Assistant attorney – Norrbom & Vinding
Privately, I live in Kgs. Lyngby. I am married and my wife is also a lawyer and deals with family and criminal law. I have four children and two German Shepherds. In addition to my family, my great interest is cycling, especially mountain biking, which I do at least once a week. One of my boys rides mountain bikes at an elite level, so the weekends are often spent riding Denmark thin in connection with races.
FREMRAGENDE På basis af 131 anmeldelser Marcus Sandin2024-01-16Trustindex verificerer, at den oprindelige kilde til anmeldelsen er Google. Super oplevelse med Jakob. Her er du i trygge hænder :) Alberte Silberbrandt2024-01-16Trustindex verificerer, at den oprindelige kilde til anmeldelsen er Google. Jakob er dygtig, professionel og talte os igennem alle tingene i løbet af processen! Han er let tilgængelig, og vi har været meget trygge og kan varmt anbefale ham :) Zhino2023-12-12Trustindex verificerer, at den oprindelige kilde til anmeldelsen er Google. Jakob har været en exceptionel advokat under hele processen med mit lejlighedskøb. Han tog sig tid til at forklare juridiske aspekter på en tilgængelig måde og var hurtig til at svare på mails og besvare opkald. Hele processen var gennemsigtig og forståelig. Jakobs professionelle tilgang skabte en følelse af tillid, hvilket gjorde oplevelsen behagelig. Jeg er dybt taknemmelig for hans indsats, og jeg kan med fuld overbevisning anbefale ham til alle, der søger en dygtig og engageret advokat. Han har virkelig gjort en positiv forskel i mit lejlighedskøb. Jacob Scherffenberg-Møller2023-11-27Trustindex verificerer, at den oprindelige kilde til anmeldelsen er Google. Jakob fra ValbyAdvokaterne har hjulpet mig både ved mit lejlighedskøb for mange år siden og nu igen ved huskøb. Hans rådgivning og hjælp har været god og skabt en masse tryghed begge gange Khanya Vokwana2023-11-20Trustindex verificerer, at den oprindelige kilde til anmeldelsen er Google. What a great experience. His patience, knowledge about the market was very much appreciated as a non-Dane buying for the first time. Highly recommended. Oliver Ryborg2023-11-13Trustindex verificerer, at den oprindelige kilde til anmeldelsen er Google. Jeg har kun oplevet hurtig og professionel juridisk vejledning samt fleksibilitet. Jeg er tilfreds. Martina R2023-11-09Trustindex verificerer, at den oprindelige kilde til anmeldelsen er Google. Jakob er venlig og kompetent, og god til at holde én orienteret om processens gang. Som førstegangsboligkøber følte jeg at jeg var i gode hænder. Anne Kathrine Kjær2023-11-03Trustindex verificerer, at den oprindelige kilde til anmeldelsen er Google. Jakob er god, grundig og enormt tålmodig med at forklare og afklare. Jeg vil klart bruge ham igen. Nicolaj Ottar Hansen2023-11-02Trustindex verificerer, at den oprindelige kilde til anmeldelsen er Google. Yderst professionel og super hjælpsom support. Jakob var god til at bruge tid på at forklare div. Ting man skal vide i forbindelse med huskøb. Klart 5 stjerner herfra.
At ValbyAdvokaterne ApS, we provide highly specialized legal advice to private clients within the purchase and sale of real estate, including condominiums, year-round houses, holiday homes, project purchases, building plots and construction contracts.
We respond within 1 hour every weekday.
At ValbyAdvokaterne ApS, we offer legal advice at a fixed price.
When you choose us, you can always expect experience, personal help, from a liability insured housing lawyer who advises you with your property transaction.
– That we are available to you when we have agreed to be.
– Lightning-fast answers, in a language that is understandable.
– Personal service of Jakob
If you are going to buy or sell your home, it is a very good idea to have a property lawyer on the sidelines. ValbyAdvokaterne ApS can advise you throughout the process and ensure you full legal security.
Home buying is for the vast majority a very big decision, therefore it is natural that both buyer and seller are left with many questions. The family, finances and emotions are a natural part of the worries, therefore it is important that you have a professional and impartial advisor who can secure you before signing a purchase agreement.
At ValbyAdvokaterne ApS , we have been responsible for many property transactions throughout Denmark and we are ready to help you safely through your home purchase, whether you buy a house, a condominium or a holiday home.
When you choose to assign a property lawyer, you get an independent advisor whose task is to look after your interests and create the best possible deal for you. Unlike the real estate agent, the real estate lawyer is your trusted advisor and not the seller’s.
At ValbyAdvokaterne ApS, we have many years of experience as property lawyers and we are ready to advise you before, during and after your home purchase. We provide a professional service and take pride in making you feel safe throughout the process.
We will help you with the following:
– Review of the purchase agreement
– Review of relevant documents
– Preparation of reservations in trade
– Possible transfer of ownership insurance
– Dialogue with real estate agent
– Dialogue with buyer and seller’s bank
A home sale is typically handled by a real estate agent, but more and more people today try to sell their home on their own and thus save the broker’s fee.
If you want to sell your home without using a broker, you can advantageously let ValbyAdvokaterne ApS help you. From the legal side, a number of different requirements are imposed on the documents that must be available to the buyer. We help you obtain and review these documents with you. In addition to this, we make sure that the purchase agreement is drawn up in accordance with all the regulations.
If you choose ValbyAdvokaterne ApS , you get a sparring partner who knows the housing market and follows this closely. We advise you on the basis of many years of experience in real estate.
Do you want to hear more about buying a home or selling your own home? Then contact us for a non-binding conversation on jk@valbyadvokaterne.dk or phone. 31 33 94 90.
You will need a property lawyer to make sure that you have the legal aspects in place when buying or selling your home in Denmark. A property lawyer is an independent and impartial legal advisor who specialises in real estate transactions.
A property lawyer ensures that the transaction is done legally, so you avoid extra costs and unpleasant surprises when buying and selling a home. A real estate transaction is often a complex entity, where there can be many conditions and pitfalls.
A housing lawyer is also your assurance that you will not enter into an agreement that is unfair and to the benefit of another party.
Once you have had a property lawyer on the case and the purchase agreement has been prepared and signed, and your deed is registered, you can feel confident that the legal documentation is in order when buying and selling a home.
If the cases become extra difficult and a dispute arises, the housing lawyer can also take your case to court.
A real estate lawyer’s primary job is to review various purchase agreements. Especially those who want to buy a home should use a housing lawyer.
In connection with the purchase of a home in Denmark, you must always sign a purchase agreement. This agreement is reviewed by the lawyer and this ensures that everything is in order.
In addition, a property lawyer reviews all the documents and conditions that form the basis of the transaction: purchase agreement, condition report, energy label, change of ownership insurance, a owners’ association’s articles of association, easements and much more.
The cost of a real estate lawyer can vary greatly depending on how the lawyer you choose works. Some lawyers run with fixed rates, others with hourly rates. The fixed prices are often between DKK. 3,500-14,000 incl. VAT.
At ValbyAdvokaterne ApS you can get help from DKK. 3,500 incl. VAT per trade.
The lawyer’s reservation is very important when you sign a purchase agreement when buying a home. When you are about to buy a home, you will often feel pressure from the real estate agent to sign the purchase agreement.
If you are under time pressure and have not yet had a property lawyer review the agreement and the property’s other documents, we at ValbyAdvokaterne ApS always recommend that you insert a lawyer’s reservation in your purchase agreement. This ensures you and makes sure that you are not tied up in the purchase agreement if your lawyer finds some unpleasant surprises. As a buyer, you thus secure an extra opportunity to thoroughly review the transaction with your property lawyer before the agreement is finally concluded.
As soon as the case papers are received from the real estate agent, the deadline for the lawyer’s reservation is reconciled with the real estate agent and I begin the review of the transaction. We review my comments on the deal well before the deadline, so that you as a buyer have time to consider what meaning my comments should have. After the review, I will send a letter of approval to the real estate agent, where the transaction is approved on your behalf with any corrections to the purchase agreement and / or reservations, e.g. regarding the bank’s final approval. When all reservations have been clarified and fulfilled, I will finally announce the trade, and the transaction is then binding, both for you and the seller. The actual paper process with title deeds and registration can then begin.
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Vi yder højt specialiseret juridisk rådgivning til private klienter inden for køb og salg af fast ejendom, herunder ejerlejligheder, helårshuse, sommerhuse, projektkøb, byggegrunde og entreprisekontrakter.