About ValbyAdvokaterne ApS.

ValbyAdvokaterne ApS has existed since 2004 and is centrally located in Valby.

The firm consists of attorney Jakob Kragh Karlsen (L) as well as a secretary and a law student.

We have extensive knowledge of the local area and provide highly specialized legal advice to private clients within the purchase and sale of real estate, including condominiums, year-round houses, holiday homes, project purchases, building plots and construction contracts as well as criminal law and family law.

Our goal is to create trust and security for the client. We do this by providing highly specialized advice as well as being personal, professional and present in our advice and always being available when the client needs us.


ValbyAdvokaterne ApS.

Vi yder højt specialiseret juridisk rådgivning til private klienter inden for køb og salg af fast ejendom, herunder ejerlejligheder, helårshuse, sommerhuse, projektkøb, byggegrunde og entreprisekontrakter.

Jakob Kragh Karlsen - Rådgivning bolig salg og køb - Boligadvokat danmark - ValbyAdvokaterne